Many people say that when you get into college you need to choose from two vortices, while sacrificing the third one. Truth is, if you plan and organise your life, you’ll be able to manage your sleep schedule, studying sessions and your free time, without sacrificing any of them.
First, you need to be realistic. Instead of sleeping 9 hours a day, cut back to 7 hours. This will provide enough energy throughout the day without letting you burn out. However, cutting too much of your sleep time will hurt your grades as well as your body and state of mind. Sleepless nights leave their mark on your body.
On the other hand, you need to ration the time you spend with friends and family. A great way of doing that is scheduling a fixed time to dedicate yourself 100% to them.
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Another important thing is finding a physical activity that helps you manage energy levels. Even running 10 minutes a day will do wonders for your physical and mental health, letting you cope with high stress levels and feelings of burnout.
Heavily crowded schedules will only result in lower grades and enormous stress levels. Only choose courses that you personally enjoy and are also related to your chosen career path. Always try to keep both of those aspects in mind when picking classes for your next semester.
Get together with your classmates and always try to get help when you need it. Ask for notes from classes that you missed and share materials. Organising a reading group is a wonderful idea if you want to divide voluminous content into manageable chunks and distribute them between the members. This way you will be able to summarise your parts better and share your summary with your colleagues.
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