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Reach out for a personalized profile evaluation and discover your ideal master's program. Meet with top schools.


Learn More

MASTER’S ORIENTATION Wondering where to start? We can help you figure out program differences and admission requirements.

ADMISSION ADVISING Need a consultation before your application process? Our experts will help you understand the admissions process, the requirements, and submit a strong application.

SCHOOL SELECTION Discover suitable master's programs with our expert guidance. Meet school representatives to explore your options further.

Partnering Schools

London Business School
SDA Bocconi: School of Management
ESCP Business School
Copenhagen Business School
Bologna Business School
EADA Business School
Simon Fraser University: Beedie School of Business
Singapore Management University: Lee Kong Chian School of Business
Chinese University of Hong Kong: CUHK Business School
KEDGE Business School
Maastricht School of Management (MSM)
emlyon business school
SP Jain London School of Management
Audencia Business School
ESSCA School of Management

How can we help you?

  1. Receive a personalized, candidate-centered approach where we prioritize your goals and listen to your needs.
  2. Check your profile and give recommendations.
  3. Give you different options for schools that suit your profile.
  4. Book meetings directly with the schools you prefer and fit for.

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Send us an email with an overview of your background and future goals.