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How we find your perfect MASTER’S

Cultural Fit Map is the third step in our unique process of finding your perfect Master's program. See how it works or browse through other steps:


Тhousands of accredited programs. Choose your study area.


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Cultural fit

Experience the cultures of different graduate schools and see the Top 3 where you belong.


Talk to our experts for personal guidance in your graduate journey.


Explore graduate schools with alumni webinars and online events.

How browse works

Customize your quick search for an international Master’s program using one or more of the available filters. Combine different search options and compare the results. Browsing is easy, free, and doesn’t require registration. You have 22,000+ programs to choose from!

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Match registration form

To get your top 10 Master’s matches, create your personal profile. Your results will be more accurate if you provide detailed information. Registration is free and your data is used by our artificial intelligence tool to generate your top matching Master’s programs.

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Start with the basic info needed to create your profile.

Date of Birth *



This is the first and fundamental step that defines your top 10 matching schools - the field you would like to work in.
In this step, we ask you to point out the details that play a key role when considering a particular Master’s program - study location and program format
These are the personal preferences in your search that matter most to you. They do not determine your final results, but they are also important to have in your profile.
To complete your profile, add the final details of your background info - education and work experience.
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By clicking yes you agree that your contact details (e-mail, names) may be shared with the particular graduate school admission office.

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