Take a journey around the UK financial marketplace to gain an understanding of your desired professional environment. Learn how it has changed following the financial crisis and what subsequent reforms have been put in place.
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The free online course Managing My Financial Journey will take you through the dramatic events of the financial crisis in the late 2000s. This event has transformed the UK financial services industry for decades to go – long-established institutions went out of business; others were forced into takeovers.
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About the course
This four-week course will take you on a financial journey and examine how the industry has changed and how it looks today. It will guide you through the UK financial marketplace, starting with a rapid review of the history of the industry leading up to the financial crisis that transformed it.
What you will learn:
- Learn about the institutions that comprise the industry and the issues they are currently grappling with.
- Walk down the aisles of the financial supermarket to see what’s changing with the products on offer.
- Look at how the industry is now regulated.
- Find out how this regulation, and the guidance provided by various agencies, can help you make the right, informed choices when transacting in the financial marketplace.
Starting date: 25 April 2016
Duration: 4 weeks
Language: English
Instructor: Martin Upton
Institution: The Open University