Elon’s newly structured 33-hour M.Ed. program allows you to choose a concentration in Innovation in Education or Academically/Intellectually Gifted (AIG). Both concentrations are part-time and designed for teachers who are graduates of accredited institutions and initially licensed to teach. The program has both face-to-face and online/hybrid courses. Our program has been designed to disrupt practitioners’ traditional concepts of schooling and move teachers toward more progressive visions and praxis. Candidates are: (a) asked to reimagine education from a range of theoretical perspectives, allowing for equitable learning opportunities that are respectful and responsive of students’ backgrounds; (b) introduced to progressive student-centered pedagogies and classroom practices; (c) offered opportunities to experiment in their own practice with innovative pedagogies.
Elon United States of America
24 months Duration
$ 12,218 Tuition
Blended / Distance / Online Format
Other available programs from Elon University: School of Education
About the Program:
Admission requirements:
- Language Test: TOEFL 79 (minimum)
- GPA: 2.50
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