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Georgia Institute of Technology

MSc in Global Media and Cultures
Location icon

Atlanta United States of America

Duration icon

12 months Duration

Tuition icon

$ 36,430 Tuition

Format icon

Full time Format

Other available programs from Georgia Institute of Technology: Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts

The interdisciplinary Master of Science in Global Media and Culture prepares students to pursue professional careers that require advanced training in communication and media as well as expertise in a particular linguistic region of the world. The curriculum provides a theoretical grounding in media and cultural studies, advanced training in a critical global language, and hands-on cross-cultural experience through study abroad, internships, and creative projects. Students create a bilingual portfolio that positions them for success on the job market. M.S. in Global Media and Cultures takes one year to complete (Fall, Spring, and Summer). Students take 30 credit hours of course work, have a concentration in one of the available languages, defend a professional portfolio, and complete a final project. 

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