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Nottingham Trent University

MSc in Advertising and Marketing Communications
Location icon

Nottingham United Kingdom

Duration icon

12 months Duration

Tuition icon

£ 16,400 Tuition

Format icon

Full time Format

Other available programs from Nottingham Trent University: Nottingham Business School

This course is aimed at students from a range of backgrounds who don't necessarily have a background in marketing or advertising. Whether you want to work for a creative advertising agency or in-house for major international companies, our MSc Advertising and Marketing Communications degree will ensure you learn the theory, tools and techniques needed to develop into an effective marketing specialist ready to operate at strategic and tactical levels in industry.

What you’ll gain from this degree?

  • a Graduate Gateway accreditation from the CIM which means you will have the option to gain two professional qualifications - the Level 4 Certificate in Professional Marketing and the Level 6 Diploma in Professional Marketing.
  • the opportunity to attend different advanced workshops with our industry partners and expert practitioners, where you will sharpen your practical skills.
  • knowledge and understanding on how organisations develop marketing communications strategies and implement relevant tactics to enhance their brand reputation.
  • knowledge of the marketing communications mix and an applied knowledge of how to apply its elements in different circumstances.
  • a comprehensive knowledge and critical understanding of marketing and communications strategy development process.
  • Language Test: IELTS 6.5 (minimum)
  • GPA: 2.20
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