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Old Dominion University

Master of Science in Athletic Training
Location icon

Norfolk United States of America

Duration icon

24 months Duration

Tuition icon

$ 95,703 Tuition

Format icon

Full time Format

Other available programs from Old Dominion University: College of Health Sciences

The Master of Science of Athletic Training degree program is a professional (entry-level) athletic training program that addresses the curricular content necessary for safe and proficient patient care. The curriculum addresses the six core competencies expected of all healthcare providers (evidence-based practice, quality improvement, use of healthcare informatics, patient-centered care, interprofessional education and collaborative practice, and professionalism).  Classroom learning is enhanced through clinical education experiences  which provide students with supervised hands-on learning opportunities necessary to develop the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed for autonomous clinical practice.

  • GPA: 3.00
  • Other: * Three recommendations * CPR/AED Certification
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