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LLM in Banking, Corporate, And Finance Law
Location icon

New York United States of America

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12 months Duration

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$ 63,932 Tuition

Format icon

Full time Format

Other available programs from Fordham University: School of Law

Students in the LLM program in Banking, Corporate, and Finance Law acquire a sophisticated appreciation of corporate structure, an understanding of the laws relating to capital markets and financial institutions, and genuine insights into the goals and strategies of U.S. executives and business lawyers. In this program, students enroll in core courses including Corporations, International Banking Law, Financial Institutions:Banking Law and choose from a broad array of additional courses in corporate, banking, and finance law and related topics. Each student is required to complete a minimum of 24 credits of approved courses; the maximum number of credits permitted is 30.

  • Language Test: TOEFL 100 (minimum), IELTS 7 (minimum)
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