Master of Arts in Theological Studies
Full timeDuration
24 monthsTuition fee
2000 USDThis program aims to:
○ prepare teachers for college-level theology;
○ present a sound and serious grounding in the basic theological disciplines (biblical studies, systematic-historical, and moral-pastoral theology) relating to both the Christian tradition and to the contemporary life of the Christian community;
○ foster a capacity for disciplined reflection and effective communication, principally on the college level.
The program offers the following areas of concentration:
○ Biblical Theology;
○ Systematic and Sacramental Theology;
○ Moral Theology; and
○ Pastoral Theology.
Applicants must have a government-recognized (civil) bachelor's degree with at least 12 units of undergraduate (college) theology courses. Moreover, students must have attended at least a general undergraduate average of B (2.5 or 8.5) with no grade of "failure" or "conditional." The program requires 30 academic units, broken down as follows: Foundation Courses (15 units), Concentration (9 units), and Electives (6 units). Additional requirements include comprehensive examinations.