Ateneo de Manila University
Quezon City, Philippines
What Ateneo stands for-what shapes it, where it comes from, where it wishes to go, and where it can take the rest of the world-may be better understood through its motto, Lux in Domino: "Light in the Lord." This is not the school's original motto. The Escuela Municipal's 1859 motto was Al merito y a la virtud: "In Merit and in Virtue." This motto persisted through the school's renaming in 1865 and in 1901.
Meet this school
Master of Arts in Educational Administration / Master in Educational Administration
This program prepares current and prospective school leaders to meet the professional demands of educational leadership. Graduate coursework develops competencies related to effective leadership and educational management practices, as well as allows students to explore the theoretical and practical aspects of curriculum development, teaching and learning, and the supervision of instruction. Exposure to research about current realities, emerging trends, and issues in various aspects of educational administration ensures their continuing growth and effectiveness as school leaders. Students are prepared to conduct scholarly research that will address relevant issues in their own school setting.
Masters of Law
The Ateneo de Manila University School of Law continues to trailblaze in specialized legal education in the Philippines. The Master of Laws (LL.M.) Program allows students to choose a field of concentration from the following areas: Intellectual Property, International Corporate and Business Law, International Economic Law, and Law International Human Rights Law.
The LL.M. Program serves as the focal point by which national and international legal scholars can pursue legal research and scholarship, with the LL.M. thesis as the program’s major output.
The objectives of the LL.M. Program are based on the University’s Mission and Vision, and recognition of the…
Master of Arts in Economics
Established in 1952, the degree programs allow professionals the opportunity to pursue quality graduate education in economics. Students in the MA program have to complete at least 36 graduate units, of which 24 are required courses at the 200-level. The remaining 12 units are devoted to the student’s area of specialization and the thesis or research paper. MA IN ECONOMICS: This program is geared toward academics and professional researchers who are interested in the applications of quantitative methods in academic and research work. A student has to complete six units of electives and six units for thesis. The program culminates…
Master of Science in Management
This program addresses the need to contribute to new knowledge in the field of business in the Philippines. While the program will go through comparable courses in an MBA program, it will require a thesis that will contribute to theories and concepts of management, particularly in the areas of business entrepreneurship, family business, business innovation, and business education. This program is suitable for business educators and researchers, especially those who wish to continue doctoral degrees requiring master’s degree with research.
Master of Arts in Political Science, major in Global Politics
This program provides students with rigorous training in the theoretical perspectives and empirical methods in the discipline while orienting their studies toward Global Politics. While maintaining a perspective that does not draw a dichotomy between "internal" and "external" politics, the program allows students to specialize in the field of International Relations or Comparative Politics. The master’s program is designed to qualify individuals to perform the teaching, research, and service responsibilities expected in colleges and universities, and the analytical skills for professional careers in both the public and private sectors. The program also prepares students for further studies leading to a…
Master of Arts in Communication
This program addresses the needs of three sectors of communication practice: educators and researchers in communication studies, communication planners and policy-makers, and professionals in communication-related industries looking for advancement in their careers. The program grounds students in foundational subjects in communication theory, communication and social change, and qualitative and quantitative research methods while allowing them to pursue a wide array of communication electives in their field of concentration as well as from other LS graduate programs. At the completion of their course work, students are required to pass a written and oral comprehensive examination, and then to produce and defend…
Master in Counseling Psychology
This practice program aims to form counseling psychologists who can competently deliver psychological services in the form of assessment, intervention and evaluation. The program is intended for those who wish to become counselors, school psychologists, industrial counselors and/or those who will handle psychological assessment in various settings. Applicants need to take the Ateneo Graduate admission test, MMPI test and undergo an interview. One-year work experience is required before admission.
Master in Disaster Risk and Resilience
This program aims to produce leaders, managers and professionals who can build capacities in disaster risk and resilience in their respective sectors and be able to work in collaborative decision-making platforms. Graduates must be able to demonstrate the following program outcomes: ○ apply sound disaster risk/resilience theory and systems thinking (“big picture thinking”) in the analysis of the evolution/transformation of risk and resilience, and the underlying societal complexities; ○ balance this systems thinking/orientation with focus on key leverage points that can produce positive change in different decision-making platforms; ○ implement inter-/trans-disciplinary research and action approaches within the science-policy-practice nexus to…
Master of Arts in History / Master in History
The program exposes students to the scholarship and research techniques of history. It also provides flexibility for professionals in different occupations to earn a master’s degree in History.
Master of Arts in Theological Studies
This program aims to:
○ prepare teachers for college-level theology;
○ present a sound and serious grounding in the basic theological disciplines (biblical studies, systematic-historical, and moral-pastoral theology) relating to both the Christian tradition and to the contemporary life of the Christian community;
○ foster a capacity for disciplined reflection and effective communication, principally on the college level.
The program offers the following areas of concentration:
○ Biblical Theology;
○ Systematic and Sacramental Theology;
○ Moral Theology; and
○ Pastoral Theology.
Applicants must have a government-recognized (civil) bachelor’s degree with at least 12 units of undergraduate (college) theology…
Master of Arts in Philosophy
This program is designed to equip the students with concepts and skills to pursue doctoral studies and to handle with competence the philosophy courses at the undergraduate level.
Master in English Language and Literature Teaching
These programs are designed for teachers of English Language and literature in the secondary and tertiary levels, and aim to develop students who are able to: ○ demonstrate a clear understanding of the theories of language and language learning, and apply these to language and literature teaching practice and research; ○ demonstrate a clear understanding of language and literature teaching methodologies; ○ conduct scholarly research that will address relevant issues in English language education in the country; ○ design and develop materials for language and literature instruction; and ○ design and develop evaluation instruments for language and literature teaching. The…
Master of Science in Chemistry / Master in Chemistry
This is a research-based program aiming to (i) provide a strong foundation in advanced chemistry and a high degree of competence in original research; and (ii) cater to students who seek a master’s degree as pre-requisite for a Doctorate degree to increase competency in teaching and research at the tertiary level, or preparation and advancement in industrial settings that require research in the professional practice of chemistry. Undergraduate pre-requisite is a BS Chemistry degree or its equivalent obtained from a recognized institution of higher learning. The MS Chemistry program requires 32 units, broken down as follows: required courses (20 units),…
Master of Arts in Basic Education Teaching / Master in Basic Education Teaching
This program examines the theory, practice, and current research in pedagogy, curriculum development, psychology of learning, and assessment and evaluation. Students learn to explore educational materials, resources, and media to enhance student learning. Numerous opportunities for further specialization in teaching methodologies in their respective subject areas are provided. The students are prepared to conduct scholarly research that will address relevant issues in their own school setting.
Master of Arts in Guidance & Counseling / Master in Guidance & Counseling
This program prepares students to become proficient in various aspects of school guidance and counseling. The program offers graduate coursework in the development and management of relevant and functional school guidance programs and services; the diagnosis of their students’ educational, vocational, and personal needs and concerns; the implementation of appropriate counseling techniques and intervention programs; psychological measurement and evaluation; and research methodology. Students are prepared to conduct scholarly research in the areas of guidance and counseling to address issues in their own school setting.
Master in Information Technology Integration
This program prepares students to use a variety of technological tools and media to support teaching and learning. It covers the production and management of learning resources and educational media and the application of technology to enhance the teaching-learning environment. Students are prepared to conduct scholarly research that will address relevant issues related to the use of education media and technology in their own school setting.
Master in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language
This program prepares students with Chinese language proficiency to become effective language teachers. The course offers advanced courses in the Chinese language and training in the pedagogy and methodology of teaching a foreign language.
Master of Science in Sustainability Management
This program hopes to integrate the sustainability perspective into the practice of management, while contributing to the literature of management science in the Philippines. Students will be able to demonstrate the following program outcomes:
○ analyze management problems and issues using the perspectives of systems thinking and sustainable development
○ develop creative systems and solutions to management concerns, such as the implementation of sustainability vision and strategy, minimization of ecological footprint, development of sustainable organization culture, green marketing, and sustainability reporting
○ develop tools and competencies that may be required by new situations and contexts
Master of Arts in Literary & Cultural Studies
This program is designed to provide high-level instruction to master’s level students who are (1) knowledgeable in theory and skilled in its application, (2) capable of critical analysis relating to literary and cultural issues in the non-western world, and (3) attuned to the issues in Philippine literary and cultural studies scholarship. In particular, the program encourages research on the literatures and cultures of Asia, with stress on Southeast Asian literary traditions. To assist students in obtaining a research focus, its curriculum reflects the survey, appreciation, and critical reading of foundational texts of Asian literature. The program presents a specific approach…
Dalubhasa sa Sining sa Pagtuturo ng Filipino
Naghahain ang programa ng matayog na pagpapakadalubhasa sa pagtuturo ng Filipino na batay sa panitikan at araling kultural. Maaari pang ituloy ng mga nagsitapos sa programang ito sa nibel ng Doktorado, lalo na sa larangan ng edukasyon at araling pampanitikan. May 12 unit na rekisito at 18 unit na naaayon sa larang na pinili. Nahahati ang 18 unit sa 9 sa kurso sa larangan at 9 sa kurso sa pagtuturo.
Dalubhasa sa Sining sa Panitikang Filipino
Ang programang ito ay interdisiplinaryong programa batay sa pananaliksik sa panitikan at araling kultural. Kadalasang kumukuha nito ang may Batsilyer sa Humanidades, Araling Filipino, Panitikan, at Araling Kultural. Kadalasan din na ang mga nagtatapos sa pagkadalubhasa ay nagiging mananaliksik, manunulat o mamahayag sa iba’t ibang media, at sa larangan ng edukasyon.
May 36 na unit ang program, 12 na rekisito, 12 ayon sa larangan na pinili, 6 para sa elektiba, at 6 para sa tesis.
Master of Arts in Religious Education / Master in Religious Education
This program aims primarily to prepare catechists, religion, or theology teachers in educating Filipinos in the Christian Faith by a sound grounding in the basic sources (Scripture, Church Teaching, and Human Experience), stressing structural integration (Doctrine, Morals, and Worship), together with a critical formation in professional religious education covering its nature, and methodologies. It focuses on the unique values and skills exercised in modest research and composition of a well-ordered thesis in religious education. Applicants should have a bachelor’s degree with at least 12 units in Theology or Religious Education.
This program provides opportunities for the integration of biblical,…
Master of Science in Science Education / Master in Science Education
These programs consider the different needs of basic education science teachers in terms of content, curriculum, and pedagogy. It aims to give a solid foundation in basic content, knowledge of the scientific language and generally accepted paradigms, exposure to practice of science, and practice of science teaching. The program likewise aims to provide skills in the facilitation, classroom management, and performance assessment. The thesis is envisioned to be research on science education, or equivalently, a collection of three papers in content, experimental design and policy/current issues. The two programs are intended to assist science teachers so that they can meet…
Master of Science in Biology
This research-oriented degree aims to prepare students for teaching and research, and for work in industry and government agencies that require expertise in the field of biology.
Master of Science in Mathematics / Master in Mathematics Education
This program is primarily intended for upper elementary and high school mathematics teachers who want to improve their teaching skills by increasing their knowledge of mathematics content and pedagogy. This program is also open to graduates who are intent on pursuing a career in mathematics education at the upper elementary or high school level.
Specifically, this program aims to:
○ upgrade the teaching capability of mathematics teachers at the high school and upper elementary levels;
○ develop mathematics teachers’ skills in solving problems that relate to mathematics instruction, curriculum, and assessment at the high school and upper elementary levels; …
Master of Science in Atmospheric Science
The program’s curriculum is founded on the classical graduate curriculum for Meteorology but allows for flexibility in accommodating the gamut of topics and fields that are beyond the scope of classical Meteorology. Proceeding from the classical foundational Meteorological courses, students tackle current atmospheric research problems from the general vantage point of either measurements (instrumentation and monitoring) and/or modeling (computer analysis). In an era of climate change and the concomitant potential natural disasters that are being predicted, there is an urgent need for the Philippines to develop and maintain a strong capability to understand and predict long-term climatic conditions as well…
Master of Science in Physics
This program for prospective students with a Bachelor of Science in Physics is open to students who wish to pursue careers in Physics research and education or in applied areas in the industry. The program is designed to strengthen the students’ understanding of the concepts in Physics and its applications. The course work for this program reflects the current research areas of the department, namely Environmental Physics, Photonics, and Materials Science.
Under the guidance of their advisers, students have the opportunity to specialize in their field of interest through their courses and research. The MS Physics program consists of…
Master of Arts in Japanese Studies
This program is designed to provide a broad understanding of the Japanese people, their culture, historical development and contemporary problems. It also interacts with other discipline-based LS graduate programs, namely, Sociology, Economics, Political Science and History.
Basic courses in theory and research methodology will be provided by these departments. This is to provide the students with an analytical framework that is necessary in their conduct of research on Japan. The choice of discipline is left to the students, with the guidance of the program director. It has the following objectives:
○ contribute to the deepening of academic knowledge about…
Master in Organizational Psychology
This practice program aims to form organizational psychologists who can contribute to the practice. The program is intended for those who wish to become human resource management and organization development practitioners or consultants. Applicants need to take the Ateneo Graduate admission test and undergo an interview. One-year work experience is required before admission.
Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology
This research program aims to form psychologists who can contribute to building knowledge in Counseling Psychology. The program is intended for academics, teachers and researchers who wish to hone their skills in counseling psychology teaching and research.
Applicants need to take the Ateneo graduate admission test and MMPI test, submit a Statement of Research Interest and identify a preferred mentor who will interview them before they are accepted.
One year work experience is required before admission.
Master of Arts in Developmental Psychology
This research program aims to form developmental psychologists who can contribute to building knowledge in Developmental Psychology. The program is intended for academics, teachers and researchers who wish to hone their skills in developmental psychology teaching and research.
Applicants need to take the Ateneo Graduate admission test, submit a Statement of Research Interest and identify a preferred mentor to interview them before they are accepted.
Master of Arts in Organizational Psychology
This research program aims to form organizational psychologists who can contribute to building knowledge in Organizational Psychology. The program is intended for academics, teachers and researchers who wish to hone their skills in organizational psychology teaching and research.
Applicants need to take the Ateneo Graduate admission test, submit a Statement of Research Interest and identify a preferred mentor who will interview them before they are accepted. One-year work experience is required before admission.
Master of Arts in Social Psychology
This research program aims to form organizational psychologists who can contribute to building knowledge in Social Psychology. The program is intended for academics, teachers and researchers who wish to hone their skills in social psychology teaching and research.
Applicants need to take the Ateneo Graduate admission test and submit a Statement of Research Interest and identify a preferred mentor who will interview them before they are accepted.
Master in Transdisciplinary Social Development
This program provides students with solid grounding, relevant theoretical and practical tools, and innovative thinking skills needed in taking direct action on and creating high-impact solutions to the complex issues of equity, justice, and peace confronting the communities and peoples of the Global South. MTSDev underscores the transdisciplinary value of cooperatively producing knowledge, participatory means of building capacities, mutual modes of determining ownership, and inter-generational sharing of benefits with and among the subjects of development. As a transdisciplinary programme, MTSDev emphasizes the contribution of local communities, cultural bearers, traditional leaders, and indigenous elders alongside academics and practitioners in producing concepts,…
Master of Arts in Anthropology
The program grounds students in the theories and methods of anthropology, with an opportunity to specialize in such areas as cultural change and ethnology, and in more focused areas such as social and cultural anthropology.
Master of Arts in Sociology
The program grounds students in the theories and methods of sociology, with an opportunity to specialize in areas such as social change, social problems, and social organization, and in more focused areas as urban structures, gender relations, social inequality, globalization, and interpretative sociology.
Master in Public Management
The Master in Public Management (MPM) is the flagship education program of the Ateneo School of Government (ASoG). It aims to develop leaders and managers who are visionaries, ethical, strategic thinkers, analytical, politically smart, technically proficient, and practical. The MPM program aims to build the capacity of the students to achieve the broader goals of transforming communities and building the nation through ethical leadership and good governance in the public service.
Juris Doctor
The Law School offers a four-year course leading to the degree of Juris Doctor (J.D.). It pioneered the offering of the J.D. program in the Philippines, first conferring the degree to its graduates in 1991.
J.D. students are required to prepare and defend a thesis on a controversial or novel legal issue, which requires extensive discussion and analysis of legal principles and cases relevant to the chosen topic.
In 2015, the Law School introduced an enhanced J.D. Program, which features core courses that include bar subjects, complemented by an apprenticeship program and elective courses offered to allow students to specialize…